Participant Services

Sort Your Support provides support coordination services across Australia for NDIS participants. We currently have no waiting lists, and no minimum hours. We truly would love to support you to help you understand your NDIS plan and work towards achieving your goals.

The cost for support coordination is $100 per hour. There is no minimum spend for any of the services Sort Your Support offers – meaning we can work together whenever needed, without lock in contracts or big commitments.

Service Packages

Beyond the support coordination, Sort Your Support also offers a range of ready to go, no long-term commitment services. These services are available for plan managed and self managed participants, even if you do not have support coordination funded in your plan.

Information about our three different packages is available below:

Find some suitable therapists for me

What is it?

Finding suitable allied health practitioners (Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists etc) can be frustratingly difficult. Many do not have the availability to see NDIS participants right away, with waitlists extending out for more than six months. The process is made more difficult with some allied health businesses requiring you to show them your NDIS plan or fill out complicated forms with personal details before you know whether they have capacity to take you on as a customer.

It can feel like an extremely tricky and disheartening process, but Sort Your Support can help.

How much does it cost?

$300 – claimable through plan managed and self managed NDIS plans under Core, Daily Activities, or Capacity Building, Improved Daily Living.

What is included?

Sort Your Support will do the research and outreach on your behalf, providing you with a tailored list of three therapists, based on their suitability and availability. As part of the package, Sort Your Support will provide you with a tailored list for up to three separate allied health disciplines. You can then use these lists to contact the appropriate therapists yourself, or ask Sort Your Support to continue our work and follow through with the therapists of your choosing (for an additional hourly fee).

After understanding the type of therapist(s) you are wanting to see, together we would have a basic conversation around your preferences. This includes basic questions about your age, disability, goals, whether you prefer therapy online or face-to-face, and if you prefer your therapist to have a specific gender identity.

After we have had a discussion and we know exactly what you are looking for, Sort Your Support can then do all the research and outreach to find you the right therapist(s). We will then present our list to you in your preferred format.

Assist me with my therapy reports

What is it?

When determining what funding approved in your NDIS plan, the NDIS relies heavily on the reports and assessments provided to them by your allied health therapists (for example, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners). These reports talk about what assistance has been provided and their recommendations of what is needed in the future.

Ensuring the reports you receive from your allied health therapists will be effective when read by the NDIS can be difficult, but Sort Your Support can help.

How much does it cost?

$200 (per reviewed report) – claimable through plan managed and self managed NDIS plans under Core, Daily Activities, or Capacity Building, Improved Daily Living.

What is included?

We can contact your chosen allied health therapist on your behalf with advice about how to write a best practice report, while assisting them to translate their findings into the language and format that will give you the best possible chance to get the funding you need.

All that is required from you is the contact details of the therapist you would like us to assist with their report writing, your consent for us to speak to them on your behalf, as well as any deadlines you need the reports by – understanding that most allied health therapists require a minimum of four weeks to write high-quality reports. This means the earlier you start this process, the better.

Help me understand my budget and what I can buy

What is it?

So often, NDIS participants receive their NDIS plan in the mail or online but don’t really understand what it means or how it can benefit them. NDIS participants get stuck without the support they need, even though they may actually have the funding available to help them achieve their goals.

Your NDIS plan can read like it is in a foreign language, but Sort Your Support can help.

How much does it cost?

$100 – claimable through your NDIS plan under Core, Daily Activities, or Capacity Building, Improved Daily Living. Face-to-face meetings will cost extra, up to $100 for an hour of travel, plus mileage at $0.97 per kilometre.

What is included?

Sort Your Support can go through your NDIS plan with you, page by page and line by line. Sort Your Support can interpret the terminology used in your new NDIS Plan, explain the different budgets and individual funded supports that are included, as well as discuss the options available to you if you wish to dispute any decisions or omissions made by the NDIS.

When discussing your NDIS plan budget, we can break it down into the amount of hours of therapy, and/or the amount of support worker hours you could access per week. We can also discuss what this amount of hours mean for you, and how to get the most out of the funding available – taking into account your specific goals and situation.

In short, we can help put your NDIS plan into a language and format that you truly understand – empowering you to use your NDIS budget in the way that is best for you.

All that is required from you is your contact details and a copy of your NDIS plan. We can then discuss it through email, the phone, or a meeting (for up to an hour).

Sounds good! Where do we go from here?

Please get in touch using the details below for an obligation free chat, to discuss how we can best work together.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0450 731 406